Friday, May 4, 2007


I am sorry that I have not been blogging as much, but things seem to have been very busy for me lately.

My home base business is beginning to actually manifest the way I expected to do.

So let me begin by Thanking my enroller for attracting me and sharing her opportunity with me.

I am thankful for Demetria she inspires me Daily.
I am thankful for having this beautiful car that I drive.
I am thankful for waking this morning and enjoying the rain it is always a beautiful thing.
I am grateful for my mother I realize everyone is not able to talk to their mother but I am which I enjoy so much.

I am grateful for being here and being in this physical body it feels so wonderful.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Today I am grateful to be able to write this blog.
Today I am grateful for being in the now and enjoying life on life terms.
Today I am grateful to be able to clean my car with joy.
Today I am grateful for the beautiful sunny day.
Today I am grateful to be able to sit on this couch and type this blog.
Today I am grateful for the internet.
Today I am grateful for the grocery clerk who smile at me just made me feel a whole lot better.

Desire for Riches - Method

As I sit here I realize that I have not been giving the thoughts to riches like I should. Well like I said I am getting back on track.

There is a method by which your desire for riches can be manifested into its physical form.

Napoleon goes on to give you the method and I will now give it to you again. Please take in mind I am studying this with you, by doing this as a group we allow our mastermind to be creative.

Feel free to post a comment to my blog articles. I would love to have your feedback and how these simple methods have worked in your life.

1) Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not enough to say "I want a million dollars." Be definite as to the amount.

2) Determine what you intend to give in return for the money you desire.

3) Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money.

4) Establish a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and being at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan in action. (Do not worry that your plan is not solid remember it is just a plan).

5) Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, naming the the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly that plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

6) Read your written statement aloud, twice a day. SEE AND FEEL and BELIEVE yourself already in possession of the money.

Remember line six is key and writing it out is also key the vibrations that writing gives off is astounding.

Practice writing about your desires you will see how things being to manifest themselves.

There is abundance for everyone.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I am grateful to live in the United States.
I am grateful to have shelter over my head.
I am grateful that I have more wisdom and understand now that all is well.
I am grateful to know that nothing is broken.
I am grateful to be in a position to put my thoughts down electronically.

Please feel free to share what you feel grateful for this process will help you feel that positive vibrations.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I was asked yesterday a question to explain how come some people
say we are gods and of course I was ready to answered this question.
I asked first why do you ask, I was told then told that she stated that we were gods but could not explain how. So here is the answer that I gave her I first
explained to her in the bible where it states man is god

please forgive me when I say man I mean mankind woman or man.
Here we go if you go to psalms 82 of the bible it states

God standeth in the congregation of the gods
How long will ye judge unjustly,
Defend the poor and fatherless
Deliver the poor and needy
They know not, neither will they understand
I have said, Ye are gods
But ye shall die like men
Arise, O God, judge the earth

This is a very strong verse of course it can be debated but could
the verse God created man in his image or we are all
children of God,
see the
reality is we are all gods yes believe. Can a Cat be the father of a Dog, Can a dog be a father of a Cat. If we are all children of god as the bible states
then is not your children a human as you are so there you must be
God. Again if man was created in gods image and God can not be seen than the
bible can not be talking about a physical image. It speaks about the
source which we all come from that makes us one.
Remember you are from the source and god exists in all things but you are co-creators in this great universe. God lives through you, God manifest through you, God
creates through you.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Back to business

Hello Co-creators, I have not been blogging lately reason being I have being doing a lot of things as far as work.

This is not to say that my blog is not important but first things first.

I am now going to an 8 week class at the Unity Church of Raleigh. The name of the class is unlocking the secret.

I expect that this class will be refreshing to get down right to the truth is I would like to meet like minded people in physical. That is what I desire to do on that note of desire I have not forgotten up the Think and Get Rich articles nor have I forgot about 30 days to success.

I am just getting everything in perspective. In any event all is good and all is well that is my thought for today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reading to improve your life

Statistics say over 65% of people stop reading books after high school and you know what I most people excuse is that they are to busy to read. Have you notice the same people can find the time to look and T.V. or browse the internet.

Why not try reading? Here is a tidbit pick a small book that might interest you and commit to read 10 to 15 pages per day see how quickly you will be reading book after book after book.

Happy Reading!!!

Let your manager do the job

Please forgive me all, I had intended to start blogging about changing your life in 30 days it has not changed but I have become overwhelmed with some other things in my life. I do understand that I create all realities so it is not a problem and all is well.

In any event I decided to hand it over to my manager this process works very well, it is the same is saying give it to god and he will handle it.

As I begin writing this short article I am starting to feel better, the manager is working his/her wonders.

All is well!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Getting Started

Getting Started with Changing your life around in 30 days.

How do you use the Law of Attraction to change your life around. Well I will take the time here to actually help you help me to get started. I have notice everyone is such a guru on the Law of Attraction but remember we are all co-creators in this universe.

So I am using this blog to co-create with you which will also help me create the things I want in my life.

See by following my blog and getting feedback from the rest of you guys source energy will give me what I want and desire in return you will also get you want and desire. Okay enough talk lets get started.

Tools/Process that we will be using: Virtual Realities

What is Virtual Reality? When should it be used?

"Virtual Reality is like a game where, like a director of a movie you set the scene - you know what you want your audience to feel,and so you set them up for it.
You make it winter or you make it summer. You put it in the mountains or you put it on the ocean or you put in on the beach. You put it outdoors or you put it indoors. You can make it day or night. It has one intent only, and that is the intent of your practicing a vibration with the singular purpose of making it a dominant vibration".

So basically we will be using Virtual Reality to deliberately create what we want and desire in our lives.

But remember Virtual Reality works best if you keep it short get in feel good then get out.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Good Morning all hopefully while reading this post you are feeling my vibrations and you are feeling good.

Okay everyone The Secret, The Secret thanks Rhonda for the Secret. It has open up a lot of people eyes. Even though we know that the secret was never really a secret but I am so happy and appreciate how she has presented this knowledge to broad group of beings that would not have accepted any other way.

Now that the Secret is no longer a secret what's next, well for me practice. The only way we will get the real benefits from the so call Secret is to practice. Yes we all need to practice but where do you start.

I have found online one of Abraham's workshop that has been change to a workbook thanks Ulrike Haupt.

I will be using this workbook to show you how to change your life in 30 days, but remember you must practice.

We will be using the process called Deliberate Creation and Virtual Realities so tomorrow I will begin our first day of this 30 day process.

Remember all is good.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Feeling Good

First things first hello co-creator I am enjoying life today on my own terms. Well this weekend was rain actually a little hail.

As days go by I am starting to realize more and more how the our thoughts control our outcome.

Well I will just take this take to appreciate where I am today. I appreciate I have found a new business and I am excited about it.

I appreciate the rain cause it gives me contrast.
I appreciate the problems that me and my mate go through because it gives me understanding and clarity on what I do not want so that I can began focusing on what I do want.

Friday, April 13, 2007

"Those are a success who have lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who have gained the respect of intelligent people and the love of children, who have filled their niche and accomplished their task, who leave the world better than they found it, whether by a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of the earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best they had."

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Law of attraction and prosperity

Living the LOA is not hard. It seems today that everyone is selling the Law of Attraction and that is fine because those who buy has a desire to buy.

I also think that it is a great when someone decides to study the Law of Attraction on his own regardless of how much coaching a person gets or how much a person reads she/he will have to practice the teachings.

Well I have digressed once more, Today I will start by talking about the Law of Attraction and prosperity. Could the Law of Attraction Actually be used for prosperity and how Do you use the Law of Attraction for prosperity?

Well this is my first article based on the Law of Attraction and Prosperity. The focus of this article will be based on the Teachings of Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon Hill is the author of a book called Think and Grow Rich, this book Think and Grow Rich took the world by storm. It was published in many languages and it still be sold today. For more information review Napolean Hill Foundation Site.

In any event Napoleon Hill spoke of Desire as the first rule of attracting wealth, In order to be rich you must Desire wealth. You can not focus your attention on what you do not have but you must focus you attention on your desire to be wealthy.

This works the same for Health, Wealth in any other things that you want to attract. You must have the desire, remember Abrahams teaches the same thing about desire

"All of your power is in the now, because all of your vibration is in the now. So when contrast gives birth to desire, bless that desire. Feel the power of the passion of that desire, because the Universe is hearing your rocket. And when you relax, the Universe will answer your rocket of desire."

The started point of all achievements is DESIRE:

Desire is not wishing, those who wish for something hopes it happens those that desire lives for the happening.

When you desire something you mind become saturated with thoughts pertaining to your desire. In order to make this work with the Law of Attraction your desire most be so strong that you actually see yourself with the riches.

Napoleon then goes on to give you steps to co-creating this desire.

1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. Be Definite on the Amount
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money.
3. Establish a definite date when you intend to posses the money.
4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire.
5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire. State what you will give in return. "TURN IT OVER TO YOUR MANAGER"
6. Read your writtten statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after rising in the morning. SEE AND FEEL YOURSELF IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"You don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour."

— Jim Rohn

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What is the Law of attraction

Law of attraction is a universal law much like the law of gravity.
Basically we are all magnets connect to one source energy and like magnets we attract things. You may say attract things like what – You attract whatever vibrations you a putting out.
If you put out negative vibrations you will attract negative things in your life if you push out positive vibrations you will attract positive things in your life.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I am in the perfect Position to Get there from Here

Card text - Nothing has to change in your environment or in the circumstances that surround you for you to begin to deliberately allow your own connection to the Stream of Well-Being. You are in the perfect place, right now, to begin.

Practice living the Law of Attraction remember practice makes perfect. The above quote reminds me where I am and where I am is perfect for me. We are all co-creators in this universe and we have created certain circumstances.

There is no rush to change anything or circumstance we must be perfect in our now.

The majority of people fail to realize that perfection is a state of mind, I know what you must thinking there are some of us who are unemployed, who have a sickness or some other undesirable matter in our life and you must say Perfect yeah right.

But as long as you keep connected to source-energy than all of that will change.

But in order for you to change things you must first be connected to that well-being, you must first learn to be content.

Once you realize that you are perfect place right now you will then be connecting to that pure source energy which will enable you to get where you want to be.

Friday, February 9, 2007

I hold the key to Creating My Every Desire

As per Abraham "It is not possible to consistently feel positive emotion about something and have it turn out badly-for the way you feel will tell you if you are allowing your natural Well-Being or not".

We must learn and understand our emotional set points in order for us to know how things we turn out about a situation. I was a very heavy smoker my desire was to stop. I tried everything it seems like nothing would work the reason nothing would work because I had doubt and fear about the subject of Quitting Smoking.

Again I held the key to creating my every desire, even though I said verbally I wanted to stop but I never focused on the end desire which was being a non-smoker I always focused on the doubt and fear of quitting smoking.

The doubt and fear kept me smoking because I was not allowing, I was actually RESISTING.

The key to creating your every desire is to know how you feel about the desire.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Lets play a card Game

Sitting here looking over the Ask and It is Given Cards, I had the desire to come up with this card game. And for those who don't have the cards check out Abrahams web site.

First things first the Law of Attraction is about well being and Abraham has given us 22 process to use I wonder are we using them.
It seems like we have read all of the books but have we started Feeling Good.

Sorry I have digressed.

Lets talk about the simple game.

  1. First shuffle or mix the Ask and It is Given card
  2. Pick the number of cards for the month that you are starting the game
  3. Choose a card daily and then write something about that card.
See it is that simple Start Practicing the Law of Attraction.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I was wanting to write a poem

Love and Respect

To Respect me is to Love me

To Love me is to disrespect me

Respect is durable will always exist

Love is fragile awaiting its decease

To Respect me is honor me

To Love me is to dishonor me

Respect knows how to adore me

Love knows how to condemn me

To Respect me is to tell me the truth

To Love me is to hide the truth

Respect knows I am human I can accept anything

Love thinks I need to be lied to in order to protect me

To respect me is to claim nothing

To Love me is to demand everything

Respect needs not to entrap a person

Love lives with the idea of detention

Respect is agreeable

Love is violent

Respect is well fed

Love is always hungry

Respect Me Love Me

Love Me Respect Me


Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Using the Turn it over to the manager process

As the day begun everything seemed to be alright and the reality is everything is alright, but sometimes our desires and our goals sometimes seemed to be cramming in our heads.

Well in my head things was so overcrowded today that I needed to use the Turn-It-Over-to-The-Manager Process, other was of saying it is let your higher power handle it. Put it in gods hands and that was what I needed to do.

This process is should be used when your emotional set point is in between

(10) Frustration/Irritation/Impatience


(17) Anger

In order to use the process you must learn who to delegate your issues what this means stop worrying so much and give it to your manager.

Just think about you being in Boss and you telling your manager what you need done, keep in mind that your manager is a Ivy League professional who track record is very good.

Know that your manager can get the job done you need not worry about how the manager does his job just know that the manager can get the job done.

Monday, January 1, 2007

GOOD BY 2006

Happy New Year

A new year has begun I so appreciate that you looked out for me this year. I would like to say thanks for every time I needed to talk to someone you was there.

I would also like to thank you for my bad and good times this year, 2007 will also have a lot more in store as my faith grows so do my desires.

Well I am thankful for my business the old clients and the new. I am thankful for my employment, I am thankful for all creation, as I know that I am the co-creator in all things in my existence.

I am thankful for my health the good and the bad. I know that I complain quite a bit but you know how co-creators can be, and as I become more aware of my emotions I start desiring even more.

So I would like to say last year was a great year but I am living in the NOW.
