I also think that it is a great when someone decides to study the Law of Attraction on his own regardless of how much coaching a person gets or how much a person reads she/he will have to practice the teachings.
Well I have digressed once more, Today I will start by talking about the Law of Attraction and prosperity. Could the Law of Attraction Actually be used for prosperity and how Do you use the Law of Attraction for prosperity?
Well this is my first article based on the Law of Attraction and Prosperity. The focus of this article will be based on the Teachings of Napoleon Hill.
Napoleon Hill is the author of a book called Think and Grow Rich, this book Think and Grow Rich took the world by storm. It was published in many languages and it still be sold today. For more information review Napolean Hill Foundation Site.
In any event Napoleon Hill spoke of Desire as the first rule of attracting wealth, In order to be rich you must Desire wealth. You can not focus your attention on what you do not have but you must focus you attention on your desire to be wealthy.
This works the same for Health, Wealth in any other things that you want to attract. You must have the desire, remember Abrahams teaches the same thing about desire
"All of your power is in the now, because all of your vibration is in the now. So when contrast gives birth to desire, bless that desire. Feel the power of the passion of that desire, because the Universe is hearing your rocket. And when you relax, the Universe will answer your rocket of desire."
The started point of all achievements is DESIRE:
Desire is not wishing, those who wish for something hopes it happens those that desire lives for the happening.
When you desire something you mind become saturated with thoughts pertaining to your desire. In order to make this work with the Law of Attraction your desire most be so strong that you actually see yourself with the riches.
Napoleon then goes on to give you steps to co-creating this desire.
1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. Be Definite on the Amount
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money.
3. Establish a definite date when you intend to posses the money.
4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire.
5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire. State what you will give in return. "TURN IT OVER TO YOUR MANAGER"
6. Read your writtten statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after rising in the morning. SEE AND FEEL YOURSELF IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY
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