Practice living the Law of Attraction remember practice makes perfect. The above quote reminds me where I am and where I am is perfect for me. We are all co-creators in this universe and we have created certain circumstances.
There is no rush to change anything or circumstance we must be perfect in our now.
The majority of people fail to realize that perfection is a state of mind, I know what you must thinking there are some of us who are unemployed, who have a sickness or some other undesirable matter in our life and you must say Perfect yeah right.
But as long as you keep connected to source-energy than all of that will change.
But in order for you to change things you must first be connected to that well-being, you must first learn to be content.
Once you realize that you are perfect place right now you will then be connecting to that pure source energy which will enable you to get where you want to be.
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